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Carroll County Farmers Market
Polls > Did you have trouble finding the Farmers Market?
Did you have trouble finding the Farmers Market?

Did you have trouble finding the Farmers Market?

Date Latest Polls Votes
04-Jan-11 How many years have you been coming to the Market? 79 votes
28-Oct-09 Did you have trouble finding the Farmers Market? 42 votes
28-Oct-09 How far did you travel to come to the Farmers Market? 29 votes
28-Oct-09 Is there something specific you would like to see at the Farmers Market? 30 votes
28-Oct-09 Would you recommend us to a friend? 31 votes
28-Oct-09 What was your favorite thing about the Farmers Market? 39 votes
28-Oct-09 Did you have a positive experience? 29 votes
28-Oct-09 When did you visit the Carroll County Farmers Market? 27 votes